Monday 1 April 2024

Cal Hypo Shock VS Other Swimming Pool Shocks

Cal Hypo Shock Vs. Other Shocks
Power Powder Plus
73% Calcium Hypochlorite
70% Minimum Available Chlorine
Cal Hypo
Easy to use
Go with a trusted brand for the best results

Other Shocks
Not all Cal Hypo is created equal
Some are not fine powder
Non-chlorine (potassium monopersulfate) does not kill bacteria and viruses
Cal Hypo's strength is weaker than other brands at 54%
3” Tablets dissolve too slowly to shock a pool
Cal Hypo tablets dissolve too slowly to shock a pool
Liquid chlorine is a good choice but has a short shelf lifespan
Not as convient as cal hypo
Granular Trichlor can stain pool surface
Dichlor shock is good but adds CYA to the water

Cal Hypo is very popular, and there are several reasons why it is widely used in the industry. It is easy to carry and has different strengths of 54-73% with active chlorine up to 70%. However, Cal Hypo contains no Cyanuric Acid (CYA) and is ideal to use as a shock if you are using 3” Trichlor tablets in your pool.

One of the significant side effects is that it contains calcium, so over time, it will raise your pool’s calcium hardness. Adds seven ppm of calcium to the water for every ten ppm of chlorine.
It is not an issue if you live in an area with soft water, but I caution against its use in areas with hard water unless you drain the pool partially or have 20-3o inches of rain each season to dilute the pool water. It also has a high pH of around 12, so it will raise the pH in a pool if you use a significant amount each week. Pouring Cal Hypo directly in can also make the pool cloudy if it is not a fine Cal Hypo, and generally, the lower the percentage, the cloudier the pool will become. That is why purchasing 70%-73% Cal Hypo is important to avoid this issue.

Cal Hypo tablets are a good choice as well, such as the Pool Life brand or the CCH brand. You can add slow-dissolving tablets directly to the skimmer each week, and they will slowly release Cal Hypo into the water all week long. That is one advantage that Cal Hypo offers over liquid chlorine. The Cal Hypo tablets also contain no CYA.

Powerful source of chlorine and easy-to-use
It does not contain a Cyanuric Acid, so it will not raise the pool’s CYA levels.
Cal Hypo Tablets dissolve slowly over a week and don’t raise the pool’s CYA level.
Safe for all pool surface types, but use caution with a vinyl liner and add through the skimmer only

Raises the pH in a pool
Clouds up the pool water if poured directly in and using a low % brand
Can react to copper in the water and cause temporary black stains
Adds seven ppm of calcium to the water for every ten ppm of chlorine

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